
Friday, October 27, 2017

Basic Computer Science - I (Data Structure and SQL) 3630002 Practical Solution

Applications of Data Structures
  1. Write a program to implement STACK using array. Perform the following operations on the STACK:
    a. PUSH
    b. POP
    c. CHANGE
    d. PEEP
    f. IS_EMPTY
    g. IS_FULL

  2. Write a program to convert an infix arithmetic expression (parenthesize/unparenthesized) into postfix notation.

  3. Write a program to implement QUEUE using array. Perform the following operations on the QUEUE:
    a. Insert an element in the QUEUE. (Enqueue)
    b. Delete an element from the QUEUE. Dequeue

  4. Write a program to perform the Bubble sort.

  5. Write a program to perform the Selection sort.

  6. Write a program to perform the Insertion sort.

  7. Write a program to perform the heap sort.

  8. Write a program to perform the Quick sort.

  9. Write a program to perform the Merge Sort.

  10. Write a program to perform the following types of Search:
    a. Linear Search
    b. Binary Search

  11. Write a program to implement a Singly Linked List. Perform the following operations on Singly Linked List:
    a. Insert an element
    b. Delete an element
    c. Find the sum of elements of the list
    d. Count number of the nodes in the linked list
    e. Search a given elements in the linked list.
    f. Reverse the linked list.
    g. Make a copy of the given linked list
    h. Concatenate two linked list
    i. Merge two linked

SQL Practical List
  1. EMPLOYEE( emp_id, emp_name, birth_date, gender, dept_no, address, designation, salary, experience, email)
    DEPARTMENT( dept_no, dept_name, total_employees, location )

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